What is Bruxism?
Grinding of teeth, also known as Bruxism, occurs in
children as well as adults. Grinding of teeth generally occurs during
What if my Child is Grinding His or Her Teeth?
Children often grind their teeth when their
teeth are erupting. This is not uncommon, nor is it a problem if
it is mild. However, in more severe cases the child can develop
a malocclusion. Malocclusion may
then lead to TMJ problems or to a need for
Orthodontics. If you have any concerns about your child's Bruxism,
be sure to have Dr. Shah check for signs of excessive wear so that treatment options can
be discussed and implemented to prevent serious problems.
What about Bruxism in Adults?
Adults may grind their teeth at night due to:
The result of bruxism can be:
- Worn spots (attrition) that can lead to:
- Malocclusion (if the patient
doesn't have already)
- Sensitivity
- Brittle teeth that require crowns
- TMJ problems
- Noise that sometimes disrupts the partner's sleep
How can Bruxism be Treated?
Sometimes, the damage caused by bruxism must
be addressed first. Any malocclusion,
sensitivity, brittle teeth,
or TMJ problems should be discussed
with Dr. Shah first to be sure those problems are resolved and that the
subsequent treatment for bruxism prevents a recurrence of
those problems. Further damage from bruxism can be prevented
with a mouth guard that is worn during sleep. This guard is
comfortable and easy for most people to wear. Contact
Us for an appointment to stop the damage caused by bruxism
and correct any serious problems.