The Smile Center Indianapolis IN dentist
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Complete Dental Care for Children and Adults! Serving Castleton, Northeast Indy, and the rest of Greater Indianapolis
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Many people have allergies to dust and pollen. Some people have specific allergies to certain medications or materials. You will be asked about any specific allergies you may have on your new-patient questionnaire. Be sure to let us know prior to treatment if you have allergies to any of the following:

Allergies to Medications

If you have ever had an allergic reaction to any medication, including dental anesthetics, please let us know. If you can't remember the name of the medication, we can contact the health care provider that used or prescribed the medication to get the name. We have alternate anesthetics that can be used in case of allergies to certain dental anesthetics ("numbing" agents). There are alternate drugs that can be prescribed in case of allergies to oral antibiotics or analgesics (pain relievers).


Allergies to Materials

If you are allergic to Latex, please notify us prior to treatment and we will be happy to use vinyl gloves instead. If you are sensitive to mercury, or simply prefer mercury-free fillings, we can use modern resins instead of amalgam (silver fillings). If you have any other allergies we should be aware of, please let us know so we can provide a comfortable environment for you.


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Smile Center Family Dentistry Dr. Jyoti Shah Indianapolis IN Dentist

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Disclaimer: The information provided within is intended to help you better understand dental conditions and procedures.
It is not meant to serve as delivery of medical or dental care. If you have specific questions or concerns, contact your health care provider.